2025-01-10 ImportPhotos 3.0.7: Add bulk image export button (Thanks @spwoodcock, @hotosm) Add relative and web root paths/URLs to hyperlink the image names, enabling them to open external links. (Thanks @sickel) 2024-04-19 ImportPhotos 3.0.6: Fixed relative path handling(Thanks @holesond) 2023-01-04 ImportPhotos 3.0.5: Show the photo in the tooltip window Add label space in the window of the photo (show the title/name of the file more clearly) Fix some issues with empty fields (Thanks @gaspermeister) Fix python type error on photos viewer setGeometry (Thanks @faebebin) Fix the error if the file in the Path field doesn't exist (Thanks @KrisRadowski, @turzik-x) 2022-07-29 ImportPhotos 3.0.4: Fix some issues (Thanks @jfbourdon) 2021-11-05 ImportPhotos 3.0.3: Fix bug when import photos with dots in the filename Thank you @mhugent and sourcepole for the following changes -Better handling of feature ids -Re-create the photo dialog if the active layer has been changed (bug) 2021-09-29 ImportPhotos 3.0.2: Fix bug 2021-09-19 ImportPhotos 3.0.1: Fix rel path / show photo with map tip and attribute table 2021-09-19 ImportPhotos 3.0.0: Adds a new button to synchronize changes in the photo directory with an already existing layer User can set the layer symbology (rules, symbols) before import (Thank you very much @mhugent and @HusseinKabbout - http://sourcepole.ch) Fix filename and extension handling and some other improvements (Thank you @jekhor) 2021-09-06 ImportPhotos 2.3.0: Display photo dialog only once - Click instead of double-click by French translation (Thank you very much @sigeal) Remove group when added layer Update photos qml file Default save as geopackage 2019-08-07 ImportPhotos 2.2.3: Add field column Images. 2019-07-18 ImportPhotos 2.2.2: Fix transparent left,right buttons for all themes Fix bug with null parameters Add option to import photos in canvas extent 2019-07-16 ImportPhotos 2.2.1: Fix tab Filters works without Opencv 2019-07-15 ImportPhotos 2.2: Add tabs options File, Filters, Opencv, Bands Add filters gray and mirror, mono, edges, averaging, gaussian, gaussian highpass (req. opencv-python) Add bands red, blue, green Add name title and save as option Clean code 2019-03-07 ImportPhotos 2.1: Fix tabs & update buttons Fix zoom to selected photo 2019-02-25 ImportPhotos 2.0: Call from python Add fields title, user comment, relative path Add option to load specific qml style Change main ui window 2019-01-25 ImportPhotos 1.9: Add group with layer Fix issue in right/left transparent 2018-11-28 ImportPhotos 1.8: Drop update for qgis 2 Add QgsTask for the ImportPhotos Change main ui file Set default save file, shapefile Add buttons zoom to selected, rotation, rotation azimuth Update right, left buttons Add warning when not imported the PIL or the exifread python module Sort attribute table Add button for show/hide arrows 2018-11-15 ImportPhotos 1.7: Update view window, add next/previous-buttons and key shortcut Press F11 to enter fullscreen, Escape to exit Remove the modal window 2018-11-05 ImportPhotos 1.6: Fix issue with empty attribute for qgis 3.4 2018-10-22 ImportPhotos 1.5: Fix issue with exifread 2018-09-25 ImportPhotos 1.4: Another fix of the issue with images without gps info 2018-09-23 ImportPhotos 1.3: Fix an issue with images without gps info Fix issue for linux platform 2018-05-22 ImportPhotos 1.2: Remove Altitude from photo window Replace Zoom In icon with Zoom To Selected Fix azimuth ratio in field Add save as GeoJSON, SHP, GPKG, CSV, GML, KML, TAB, ODS type of files Merge QGIS 2 with QGIS 3 ImportPhotos plugin 2018-05-08 ImportPhotos 1.1: Update window file of photo, fix reopen project, add zoom, pan and extend buttons 2018-03-21 ImportPhotos 1.0: Issue fixes and migration code to QGIS3 Fix error with replace file and clear code Add attributes field Camera Maker and Model 2018-03-09 ImportPhotos 0.4: Fix error for mac pc, and add some warning messages 2018-02-20 ImportPhotos 0.3: Update version 2018-02-20 ImportPhotos 0.2: Fixed error with activation
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