Version: [2342] MISLAND 1.0.8

1.0.8 (October 24, 2024)
- Coverage expanded to the whole of Africa
- Workflow Merged with that of the MISLAND-Africa Geoservice
1.0.6(March 5, 2021)
- Experimental set to false
1.0.4 (March 4, 2021)
- Responsive toolbars for smaller screens
- Restrict/Clip to AOI of custom computation
1.0.3 (February 24, 2021)
- First QGIS3 MISLAND Plugin Release
- Plugin renaming
- Plugin icons and logo replacement
- Google Earth Engine Setup
- New User Welcome Dialog
- Individual module description
- Clean up AOIs to Sahel and Saharan region
- Generate Forest Fires Script using dNBR
- Inclusion of Landsat 7 dataset to productivity
- Time Series for vegetation monitoring (MSAVI, SAVI and NDVI)
- Forest fire Layer styling
- Generation of MEDALUS Sub indicators scripts for VQI, SQI, CQI and
- Avoid bbox output and use original polygon boundary & simplify
- Land Cover dialog warning on empty fields submission
- Reduce maximum AOI bbox to 630000km squared
- Misc bugfixes to address Python errors that were coming up with some
QMessageBox messages.








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