Version: [1350] Mascaret 6.1.1 Experimental

6.1.1 : Fix the bug for methods using several observations with
different time offsets
6.1.0 : New experimental version
Clear Qgis2 code
6.0.0 : Merge experimental version into master
5.1.13 : Bug fix to print log mascaret in window main
5.1.12 : Addition of Bulk Chart Export Feature
Addition of display weirs for the longitudinal profile
Bug fix to work in QGIS 3.38.
Bug fix for teh score computing
Bug fix for log display in edition of hydraulic structure
Keep zoom when using slider
Bug Fix when using complex formula for observations with multiple time
5.1.11 : Bug fix for volume law generation in QGIS 3.34 basin.
Bug fix for schema clone.
Bug fix for profile interpolation.
Bug fix for lig file creating with a large number of sections
Bug fix for Vacuum function
Adding an alert when the reference elevation of the basin is below the
volume law.
Added functionality  to read the latest .lis file
5.1.10 : Reorganization of the calculation launch code
Modified the model export function with the GUI addition and folder
5.1.9  : Added functionality to generate profiles and basins layers
for use in cartoZi
5.1.8  : Added functionality to export profiles, outputs, or stations
5.1.7  : Importation and visualisation of river minor bed
Added function to set river bed in profile editor menu
5.1.6  : Added table rebuild option
Added multiple delete of the observations
Addition of the choice for the method of importing observations
Added import in OCTAVE format of observations
Optimization to import observations into the database
Optimization to import results into the database
Fixe the bug on the public function in the trigger
5.1.5  : Correction of the bug to the index management  between basin
and links
Correction of the bug on the culvert type for the links
Correction of the bug when the schema is renamed
Added the option to use DEM like default profile
Added the filter feature for the all active profiles
Added a new methodology for filter feature
Adaptation to the new version of the executable
Added new output type
5.1.4  : Correction of the bug due to initial water level
5.1.3  :  Correction of abscisse compute of flood marks
5.1.2  : Correction of the basins trigger
Delete results_old table
Correction of the clone function
Correction of the order of laws for the mascaret API
5.1.1  : Changed the processing of friction (mesh, plani) in the
Added the clone function
Added the law check for the events
Correction of update database bug
Added given storage optimization
Added the branchs_visu table
Addition of the  functionality of  fields modification :  ks, mesh,
Addition of optimisation to import results
5.0.9  : Fixed bug for Qgis 3.38
Addition of Bulk Chart Export Feature
Addition of display weirs for the longitudinal profile
Correction of the bug due to the interpolation profile for the
5.0.8  : Fixed bug on results storage for Qgis 3.32
5.0.7  : Correction of the bug due to initial water level
5.0.6  : Correction of the bug due to the modification of the
parameter.csv file
5.0.5  : Correction of the order of laws for the mascaret API
Addition of an optimisation to import results
5.0.4  : Correction of old import function
5.0.3  : Addition of Qgis task manager usage choice in settings
5.0.2  : Correction of clone_schema function about trigger cloning
5.0.1  : Merge Master
4.0.14 : Correction of export results function
Correction of combox size bug for multigraphic
4.0.13 : Correction of bugs on the trigger function of branch
Correction bugs on the mesh in xcas file when junction
4.0.12 : Correction of the bug on planimetry storage
4.0.11 : Correction to read the results of mobile weirs movement
Correction warning to progress function
Reduces MNT accuracy (10e-3) during extractions
Modification of results table
Correction of a bug of topo curve
Delete of the correction of a bug of  profile editor menu
4.0.10 : Correction of a bug of  profile editor menu
4.0.9  : Correction of a bug of graphic of the hydraulic structure
Correction of a bug about translation in the profile editor menu
Correction of a bug about the import database function
Correction of a bug in Scores Menu
4.0.8  : Correction of a bug in Scores Menu
Remove the storage in the topo table of upstream and downstream
Correction of a bug on the desactive the  point or zone selection
4.0.7  :Correction of a bug to save a profile on profile editor menu
4.0.6  : The possibility of line addition and deletion in profile
editor menu
4.0.5  : Correction of a bug on the database importation for postgres
> v11
Addition of visualisation law
4.0.4  : Correction of a bug on the database importation when the
check of postgres version
Correction of automatic initialization bug for taring laws
Addition of copy of law value tables with ctrl + c
4.0.3  : Correction of the table creation  bug
4.0.2  : Addition of law menu
Addition of the visualization of the overflow level on a longitudinal
Addition of tables containing area / width / section
Addition of tables containing wet area/wet perimeter/ wet section
Addition of Planimetry calculation and visualization
Adding button of « Remove up-downstream »
Change weirs style
4.0.1  : Adding Export GUI (old version)
Change Alias
Correct the display bug when you uncheck the DEM or the topo in the
profile window
Adding the  profile interpolation function
Adding the check Profile function
Correction the bug on basin when compute with API
Change of scores functionnality
Addition of multigraphic
4.0.0  : Adding Export GUI
Only qt5
Adding the rating curve law using steady kernel
Adding Scores functionnality
3.1.2  : Reduction of the accurancy (to mm) of the variables
cotesCrete and  abscTravCrete in Xcas
3.1.1  : Correction of cross section result
3.1.0  : Correction of tables owner
Correction of steady model when using the rating curve
Correction of  basin law compute
Correction of bug on the storage of tracer results
3.0.7  : Correction of observation bug
Add of wiki site link
Correction of the display bug on "initial run case" GUI
Button to update the pk updates too branchnum
Change the profile style and  the branch style
3.0.6  : Correction of initial compute list bug
Correction of result accurancy in Mascaret executable
No longer freezes the qgis window when the model is running
Modification of profiles graphic GUI
Correction  of  bug  of profile save button
Results graphic by order date of running
Force default values
Automation of desactivation of branchs-profiles, basins-links
Add of hydraulic head for the levels water graphic when the variable
is computed
Correction of  displaying bug of the flood marks with  cross sections
Add observation menu
Add a button to update the pk
Add the vizualization of flood mark projection
Add activation or not  of the laws and outputs
Add  button to put in full screen
Automation of  the minor bed definition when that is not precised
Adding A hydraulic law  which varies in time for a permanent case
3.0.5  : Add warning message when the password is null.
Correction of bug about the creation of heigh-volum law
3.0.4  : Correction of model creation bug for abacus and result_var
Correction of bradley method bug
3.0.3  : Correction linux bug
Optimization of results save
3.0.2  : Modification of results treatment
Add automatic update for the database
New graph for results
Add run_graph table
Add change for a possible use of  ClassAPIMascaret without  Qgis
3.0.1  : Add mobile valve for hydraulic structure
Add mobile dam
3.0.0  : Correction of  displaying observations bug on graphics
Add file
Delete of "bin" repository
Addition of  "bin" repository downloading (after run)
Addition of  "bin" repository updating in plugin menu
1.1.3  : Correction of  displaying observations bug on graphics
1.1.2  : Correction of display date bug in graph
1.1.1  : Correction of  angle of Bradley method
Correction of legends deplacement bug  into linux platform
Correction of run bug  into  linux platform
Correction of Polygons treatment bug due to Shapely  into linux
Correction of steady-initialisation bug with tracers
1.1.0  : Addition of Bradley method for hydraulic structure
Addition of hydraulic structure GUI
Addition of hydraulic structure table
1.0.3  : Correction of schema import bug
Addition of the display of comments in graphs
1.0.2  : Correction of weirs layer style bug
Modification of observation accurency : 1E-3 => 1E-6
Ergonomics improvement for layers
1.0.1  : Correction of link bug between weirs and law
Correction of point delete  bug in profile
Correction of graphic  display bug
Correction of bug on formulae for the "observation"
Modification of laws accurency : 1E-3 => 1E-6
Addition of the comments for evenement cases (unsteady, transcritical
Correction of generation .LIG file bug
Correction of "list_schema" function bug when there isn't schema
1.0.0  : First official version
0.3.5  : Correction of xcas file for the basins
0.3.4  : Correction of Ctrl+C Ctrl+V bug for the  table of hydro.
Correction of auto-initialisation bug for the basins
Correction of next button in graphics
Correction of datetime  bug to write csv file
0.3.3  : Correction of import bug
0.3.2  : Modification of basins and links result tables
0.3.1  : Addition of water quality feature
0.2.1  : Addition of basin(or storage area) feature
0.1.13 : Correction of parameters GUI bug
Correction of weirs bug in xcas file
Correction of connection data base bug
0.1.12 : Addition of the "port" option for import and export model
command with postgres
Correction of bug related to the initial value equal "None" when
".lig" file is used
Correction of ".lig" file copy bug for QGIS3
0.1.11 : Correction of hydrogramme bug for the profils with "output"
Correction of delete run bug
Correction of variable time step bug at initialisation for a
transcritical case
0.1.10 : Correction of style bug for qgis 3
Addition of schema delete GUI and  run delete GUI
Addition of the comments for the runs
0.1.9 : Correction of limitation bug for steady compute
Correction of searched profile bug for graphics
0.1.8 : Correction of profile interpolation bug when the raster is < 1
m accuracy
0.1.7 : Correction of profile creation bug if the first point of minor
riverbed is 0 on the abscissa
0.1.6 : Correction of execute permissions bug with linux
0.1.5 : Modification of "observation" files
0.1.4 : Optimisation of result inserting  in the table
0.1.3 : Correction of default name bug for .CSV file extraction
Correction of abscissa accuracy bug
Correction of abscissa number bug for junction parameters
0.1.2 : Correction of numeric name bug for runs or for scenario
Modification of treatment of runs and scenario in the "hydrogramme"
and "cross section results" graphics
Correction of import and export bug
0.1.1 : Correction of Georef file bug
Improvement of Topo displays
Revert changelog order
0.1.0 : Compatibility with qgis3
Correction of lig file format  bug
Correction of creation  bugs  of xcas file
Correction of creation bug of observation laws
Correction of abscissa compute bug
Correction of bug to save compute parameters
Correction of  Mascaret executable bug for Linux version
The result viewers no longer lock qgis
Addition of legend displacement in the result viewers
0.0.6 : Small change of metadata.txt
0.0.5 : Change of address for homepage, tracker and repo
0.0.4 : Correction of version numbering bug
0.0.3 : Correction of rights problems with .qgis2 directory
Addition of Linux version of Mascaret executable
0.0.2 : Correction of Matplotlib 2.x bug
0.0.1 : First beta release








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