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Plugin ID: 2257

Create geometry - sediment layered 1D cross-sections - of rivers for COURLIS which is the sediment transport module for MASCARET, the 1D free surface flow code of the Open TELEMAC-MASCARET platform (

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This plugin allows you to:
- import georeferenced MASCARET geometry,
- extract geometric information from a DEM (raster) on polylines representing the cross-sections of the MASCARET-COURLIS model in respect with a user defined discretization,
- interpolate cross sections along an hydraulic axis in respect with user defined longitudinal (number of cross-sections) and lateral (number of points on each profile) discretization,
- visualize the cross-sections in a graphical view,
- add sediment layers and bed rock to the cross-sections from river bed geometry (identical or with a Z shift) or from another DEM (raster),
- modify manually or with some functionality more automatic the river bed geometry, sediment layers geometry or bedrock geometry,
- and export data for the COURLIS module
PRECOURLIS is using :
- A fork of TatooineMesher (courtesy of CNR Engineering,
- Modified version of Python classes of the TELEMAC-MASCARET system

Version QGIS >= QGIS <= Date
2.1.0 - 3.0.0 3.99.0 529 amorvan 2024-10-07T09:24:37.192944+00:00
2.0.1 - 3.28.0 3.99.0 493 amorvan 2024-04-15T12:22:50.978691+00:00
2.0 - 3.0.0 3.99.0 1745 amorvan 2021-01-29T09:01:39.567026+00:00

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