Version: [1516] QGIS Full Motion Video 1.15

- Slider made clickable.
  - Fixed drawings position when elevation model used.
  - Enabled drag & drop in manager.
  - Playlist is implemented (videos play one after the other).
  - Delete multiple videos in manager enabled.
  - Lat/Lon displayed with precision 5.
  - Fixed lon/lat on video does not update without moving the mouse.
  - Fixed mousemove "jumping" behaviour when drawing on a video. 
  - Fixed some problems with video toolbar visibility.
  - Fixed issue: Manager shows up only after loading video list.
  - Improved function Center on Footprint / Target / Frame Center,
    only recenter if drawings go outside map.
  - Export current frame fixed: black image.
  - Fixed some navigation problems.
  - Fixed problems when closing the application.
  - Fixed Corner Estimation with Offset calculation.
  - Fixed no audio or video freeze (big .ts files) on windows platform
    to Lav Splitter. It is recommended to make a default installation
    Haali Media Splitter:
  - FIxed config to update drawings every 2 seconds.
  - Click on pause triggers an exact metadata update.
  - Implemented playlist in manager.
  - Added Timestamp label below duration slider.
  - Enhanced zoom on platform/target/framecenter, only recenter if the
object goes out the map.
  - Fixed framecenter and drawings calculation.
  - Playlist drag & Drop + multiple removals.
  - Fixed lon/lat video mouseover not updating if mouse not moving.
  - Fixed lon/lat precision to 7 for drawings/measure (lower
resolution causes tool to "jump" on video overlay).
  - Fixed extract frames (they came all black).
  - Fixed navigation mit slider.
  - Removed Python Homography lib, using directly cv2.
  - Fixed video (.ts) freezing/sound/size problem on windows using
haali splitter.
  - Fixed manager: Appears first on ui and then loads saved videos.
  - Fixed problem with full screen mode: wrong monitor and wrong
context menu location.
  - fixed drawing mode if video stopped.








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