Version: [284] Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin 7.0.0

New version with several improvements

New tools
- Band set list tab for managing band sets and double click to define
active band set and functions to import export band sets and button to
display RGB composite
- Random forest tab for classifying the band set using training input
with Random Forest (ESA SNAP required)
- Sentinel-1 tab for processing Sentinel-1 GRD products polarizations
VH and VV (ESA SNAP required) based on the preprocessing steps in
- GOES tab for processing GOES 16 and GOES 17 images
- Zonal stat raster tab for calculating raster statistic in zones
defined by a reference vector or raster and for each zone value
creating rasters filled woth the corresponding output statistic, named
as outputnameZoneValue (e.g. output1, output2, output3)
- Classification tab that replaces the classification dock
- Reproject raster bands that allows for reprojecting a band set to a
new projection with the option of using a reference raster for
alignment and extent or setting the EPSG value and pixel resolution
manually; methods of resampling: nearest_neighbour, average, sum,
maximum, minimum, mode, median, first_quartile, third_quartile

Implemented parallel processing for several tools
- Classification
- Band calc
- ASTER preprocessing
- GOES preprocessing
- Landsat preprocessing
- MODIS preprocessing
- Sentinel-2 preprocessing
- Sentinel-3 preprocessing
- Clip multiple rasters
- Zonal stat raster
- Reclassification
- Cross classification
- Band combination
- Classification to vector
- ROI creation and signature calculation
- Spectral distance of band sets

Main interface window
- Renewed interface with tree view menu, a filter for searching tools,
and a new tab Help for displaying the guide of tools

SCP Dock
- ROI signature list structured as tree of macroclasses
- added table filter for ROIs
- new button for removing training input
- Classification moved to main interface

Tab Band calc
- added the iteration of calculations over band sets entering in the
first line forbandsets e.g. forbandsets[1:3] for iterating over a
range or forbandsets[1,2,3] for iterating selected band sets; it is
possible to enter a string after ] to filter names of first band in
band set (e.g. forbandsets[1,2,3]RT)
- added the iteration of calculations over dates (format yyyy-mm-dd)
of band sets entering in the first line forbsdates e.g.
forbsdates[2020-01-01:2020-03-30] for iterating over a range or
forbsdates[2020-02-01,2020-03-11,2020-04-21] for iterating selected
dates, also list of ranges such as forbsdates[2010-01-01:2010-03-30,
2010-08-01:2010-08-31, 2010-10-01:2010-12-31]; it is possible to enter
a string after ] to filter names of first band in band set
- added the iteration of bands in a band set or a range of band sets
entering in the first line forbandsinbandset (e.g.
forbandsinbandset[1] for iterating over bands in the first band set)
and in the following expression the variable #BAND# to refer to the
iterated band (e.g. where("#BAND#">1, 1, 2) @"#BAND#")
- added the possibility to use the output name of calculation as
variable for following calculations
- added the possibility to add the calculation result to a band set
using the number in the output name such as @output1 or to current
band set with # such as @output#
- added the possibility to set the output path defining the output
name with this structure @path@name, also with the variable #BANDSET#
such as @#BANDSET#@name to save the calculation in the directory
containing the first band of the current band set. It is recommended
to avoid the use of characters # and @ in the raster name
- added the possibility to create temporary output defining the output
path (i.e. temp) and output name with this structure @temp@name
- added the option to create virtual raster output (i.e. .vrt files)
made of .tif files from parallel processing
- added the variable "bandset#b*" for using all the bands of active
band set in expressions such as np.max("bandset#b*")
- added the variable "bandsetNb*" for using all the bands of band set
N in expressions such as np.max("bandset1b*")
- added the variable "bandsetNbL" for referring to band set N and Band
L in expressions such as "bandset1b1"
- added the variable "bandset*bL" for using the L band of all the band
sets in expressions such as np.max("bandset*b1")
- added the variable "bandset{date}bL" for using the L band of all the
band sets in the list of dates or range of dates e.g.
- added table filter for band names
- added the possibility to enter !function! followed by an expression
of Batch to execute a function using raster names (also previous
output names) in the command and the variables !directory! and !file!
to refer to the output directory (defined after Run) and relative
output file name (defined with @ after the command) respectively e.g.
!function!  stack_raster_bands;band_set : 1;output_raster_path :
'!directory!' ; it is required to use section character $ instead of
apostrophe ' and !! instead of ; for functions ' e.g. !function!
add_raster!!input_raster_name : $#NIR#$!!band_set : 1
- added the option to select output raster type as Float32, Int32,
Int16, UInt32, UInt16, Byte
- added settings for output nodata value
- added settings for scale and offset values directly in the output
.tif file
- the option Input NoData as value allows for using NoData values as
regular values
- the option Use NoData value allows for defining a regular value to
be used as NoData during calculation

Tab Download products
- the Sentinel-2 search works also without search coordinates if a
string is entered in Advanced search (e.g. 33TTG)
- Sentinel-2 level 2A can be filtered entering S2A_MSIL2A* in Advanced
- Sentinel-2 are downloaded also from Google public service
- added table filter for names
- added search and download of Sentinel-1 GRD products
- added search and download of GOES 16 and GOES 17 products downloaded
from Amazon Web Services

Tab Preprocessing Landsat
- tha panchromatic band is preprocessed only if pansharpening is

Tab Preprocessing Sentinel-2
- added checkbox for processing also bands 1, 9, 10
- if Add bands in a new band set is checked an existing empty band set
is used first

Tab Band set
- added the date field (optional) to store image acquisition date
(format yyyy-mm-dd) that can be used for expressions in Band calc
- added table filter for band names
- added Sentinel-2 list with all the bands

Tab Batch
- added function qgis_processing to access QGIS Processing tools (e.g.
qgis_processing;command : 'grass7:v.dissolve';parameters : 'input':
'input_path', 'column': 'cat','output': 'output_path')
- added function !for_directory_in! to iterate commands for all the
directories in a directory path (e.g.
!for_directory_in!;'directoryPath') with the variables
!directory_name! to use the current directory name and !directory! to
use the current directory path. The commands are performed in batch
until the command !end_for_directory! . Optionally a directory level
and a name filter can be set (e.g.
!for_directory_in!;'directoryPath';2;'name'). Multiple name filters
can be set with | (e.g.
!for_directory_in!;'directoryPath';2;'name1|name2'). It is possible to
filter by date if the name ends with the date format yyyy-mm-dd using
a range (e.g. 2020-01-01:2020-03-31)
- added function !for_file_in!;directoryPath to iterate commands for
all the files (calling !file! in a command) in a directoryPath until
!end_for_file! . Optionally a directory level and a file filter (e.g.
!for_file_in!;'directoryPath';0;'jpg'). Multiple name filters can be
set with | (e.g. !for_file_in!;'directoryPath';0;'jpg|tif'). It is
possible to filter by date if the name ends with the date format
yyyy-mm-dd using a range (e.g. 2020-01-01:2020-03-31). Also
!file_directory! can be used to refer to the parent directory of the
- added function '!start_for_band_set!';bandsetNumber to iterate
commands for all the band sets (calling '!band_set!' in a command)
until !end_for_band_set! . It is possible to enter a list of numbers
(separated by commas), a range separated by colon, or a list of ranges
(e.g. !start_for_band_set!;'2:3' add_new_bandset;band_set : !band_set!
- added the function !temp_raster_#! (replacing # with a number or
string e.g. !temp_raster_1!) to create a temporary raster to be used
with other functions such as band_calc;expression :
'"raster1"';output_raster_path : '!temp_raster_1!'. !temp_raster_1!
replaces the path to the raster and temp_raster_1 is the actual name
of the raster
- added the possibility to create custom variables entering a line
such as !customName! = value (value can be either number or text), for
instance !number! = 20, this variable !number! will be replaced in the
following parts of the batch script
- added the function remove_band_from_bandset to remove bands from a
band set (e.g. remove_band_from_bandset;band_set : 1;band_list : '1,
- the function to create band set accepts a directory and a file name
filter as raster_path_list option (e.g. '/dir, tif')
- the function to create band set accepts the satellite name as
center_wavelength option to set the band wavelength center
- the function add_raster allows to add the raster to an existing band
set (band_set) and optionally set the wavelength (center_wavelength)
- if using Band calc function, it is required to use section character
$ instead of apostrophe ' and !! instead of ; for functions

Tab Reclassification
- added new button Incremental new value for calculating a new unique
value for every old value

Tab Settings
- added option to create RGB composite of band set when a project is
- added option for using multiple CPU threads (it is recommended to
set a value lower than the number of available CPUs)








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