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SensorThings API

Plugin ID: 2796

The plugin enables QGIS to inspect dynamic sensor data published using SensorThingsAPI protocol (

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This plugin has been developed by Sandro Moretti for Deda Next ( within the AIR-BREAK project ( and then further evolved into the current version with the financial support of BRGM ( The plugin leverages on QGIS SensorThings data provider to access SensorThingsAPI endpoints (, visualize on map the position of their spatially-enabled entities (Locations, Multi/Datastreams and FeatureOfInterest) and inspect the related timeseries of Observations.

Version QGIS >= QGIS <= Date
2.1.0 - 3.38.0 3.99.0 135 pgcipriano 2025-02-13T15:08:55.468837+00:00
2.0.6 - 3.38.0 3.99.0 159 pgcipriano 2024-12-09T11:32:07.553441+00:00
2.0.5 - 3.38.0 3.99.0 140 pgcipriano 2024-12-06T16:20:55.002377+00:00
1.1.12 3.14.0 3.99.0 734 pgcipriano 2023-05-24T09:33:28.748436+00:00
1.1.10 3.14.0 3.99.0 402 pgcipriano 2022-10-10T09:15:41.371389+00:00

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