version 2.2.1 update to be Qt6 compatible version 2.2.0: updated to municipality borders of 2025 version 2.1.0: minor update to icon version 2.0.3: minor update to avoid potential locale error version 2.0.2: updated QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem usage version 2.0.1: readded missing settings icon version 2.0: QGIS 2.x is no longer supported, cleaned up code, use of geojson file for definition of bbox's, added OSM attribution version 1.4: added country, regions and communities of Belgium version 1.3: added new municipalities that will start to exist on 1-1-2019 (old municipalities are not yet removed) version 1.2: added provinces, updated menu items, changed buffer around selected boundaries version 1.1: added districts of Antwerp version 1.0.1: migrated repository to GitLab version 1.0: the plugin is no longer experimental; cleaned up code; minor update on saving settings version 0.2.1: updated max version in metadata version 0.2: added translations of names of municipalities version 0.1.1: updated metadata version 0.1: first working version
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