Version: [354] OSM place search 1.2.8 Experimental

1.2.8 : pull #12 - Russian translation, thanks to Petr Tsymbarovich
1.2.7 : fix #11 - pb projection
1.2.6 : fix #10
1.2.5 : fix
1.2.4 : use of QgsNetworkAccessManager rather than requests
1.2.3 : geocoding service '' over https
1.2.2 : qgisMinimumVersion=3.0
1.2.1 : adaptation to API changes (QgsCoordinateTransform)
1.2 : Fix configuration dialog pb
1.1 : Code cleaning
1.0 : Migration to QGis 3
0.9.3 : Change from Mapquest API to OSM Api (Mapquest require key)
0.9.2 : Fix wrong panel management. Thanks to
0.9.1 : Few minor changes (readme, mask dependence)
0.9 : QGis 2.4 more compatible, use mask plugin if exists
0.8.3 : fix encoding pb (, thanks to
Augustin Roche)
0.8.2 : fix error on install
0.8 : on 'add to layer' action, it is possible not to create a layer
for each object (see configuration dialog)
0.7 : fix projection problem (for new layer and mask)
0.6 : fix proxy connection pb, and bug in search limited to extent
0.5 : proxy configuration is now taken into account if there
0.4 : last dock position maintained on startup
0.3 : simple_json dependence replaced with json
0.2 : QGis 2.0 compatible








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