Version: [242] PDOK services plugin 4.1.4

4.1.4   (06-2023) update service url's fix ahn processing algo (NOT
requesting caps on startup) (Both: Thanks Anton!)
4.1.3   (03-2023) services update (most notable: remove OpenTopo!),
fix ahn3 processing tool, fix locator service url (Thanks Anton!)
4.1.2   (09-2022) new services
4.1.1   (08-2022) Fix issue with older QGIS versions
4.1.0   (08-2022) New Layer list and Fix (startup) issues #77 #78 #79
#80 #81 #83
4.0.0   (07-2022) Rather huge rewrite, adding (Reverse) Geocoder and
WCS Algorithms thanks to Anton and Raymond
3.7.4   (04-2022) Update Url's via spiders script, Thanks Anton,
3.7.3   (01-2022) Feature: search with words in layerlist (eg: 'wfs
prov'), new url's via script from Nationaal Georegister (thanks
Raymond and Anton)
3.7.2   (11-2021) Fix #45 (kadastralekaart wfs) thanks Mathijs
3.7.1   (10-2021) Update Url's Thanks Edward, Raymond, Anton; small
fixes in wmts handling
3.7.0   (05-2021) Add Buttons choose place in layerlist (Thanks
Raymond Nijssen), Use pdok-spider to create pdok.json (layer/service
list, Thanks Anton Bakker), Add url to metadata in Nationaal
3.6.0   (03-2021) Add 2 favourites button/menu, remove all (i18n)
translation code, new services (lufo2020)
3.5.3   (01-2021) Fix Qt-scene warning, Fix Windows Locale issue, Fix
WCS ahn service, Update PDOK services. Test with Tikkie and
3.5.2   (08-2020) Fix urlencoding issue, Remove some old NON-working
3.5.1   (07-2020) Remove redundant (not working) BAG url's (thanks
Gerben D)
3.5.0   (06-2020) Refresh of services, new Icons (thanks Raymond
3.4.4   (01-2019) Fixing WCS services adding them both as RGB-tiff and
FLOAT32 Tiffs to make them usable as true rasters
3.4.3   (12-2018) new services, WFS->2.0.0, remove doubles etc
3.4.2   (09-2018) fix userLocale problem on certain Windows installs
3.4.1   (06-2018) fix #21: default search hecto and perceel too
3.4.0   (06-2018) add fq filters (perceel, hectometerpaal),
deprecating dock, deprecating use of '/free'-api, fix some data
exceptions (NWB now in service)
3.3.0   (05-2018) possibility to choose crs of service and fixes
(thanks Anne Blankert)
3.2.3   (04-2018) new services
3.2.2   (02-2018) api fixes to make it run with QGIS3 release
3.2.1   (12-2017) little zoom tweak for lookup service
3.2.0   (12-2017) in dialog and widget use the suggest and lookup
service AND show the object properties from the lookup
3.1.0   (11-2017) use of new PDOK locatieserver! Services update
3.0.2   (07-2017) new layers + fix for api change
3.0.1   (05-2017) new layers + fix for api change
3.0     (11-2016) bump to 3, update to work (only) with QGIS 3.0 /
Python3 / Qt5
0.12    (10-2016) new service: lufolabels, fix WCS bug (thanks Raymond
0.11    (08-2016) remove of QtWebkit, new services: bag, cbs2015
wijkenbuurt, Opentopo, drone nofly zone, Kadastrale Percelen
0.10    (01-2016) new services + all to https
0.9     (09-2014) removing some not working wmts services from
0.8     (08-2014) proxy fix (thanks Bart Baas), new icons (thanks
Raymond Nijssen), geocoder is now zooming to pdok scale, new button to
clean result, now also searching in stylenames, disable double click
on headers (was confusing)
0.7     (05-2014) new services, styles of wms's are working, extra
settings for docked/dialog, retrieve pdok.json over network
0.6     (03-2014) new services (ahn2!), added geocoder tab and
geocoder toolbar
0.5     (10-2013) fix for QGIS 2.0 api
0.4     (11-2012) updated for new pdok services
0.3     (10-2012) initial version







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