Version: [1927] Statto Redistricter QGISv3 2.3.1

2.3.1 - fixed additional bugs; 2.2.6 - fixed lock code which caused a
crash\n2.2.5 - Fixed NULL attribute table error\n2.1 + Made more
stable, added several new features, rewrote save/load code\n2.0 +
Added: Percent away of deviation to mean for population\n+ Fixed:
slider increments now 1 instead of 2\n+ Added: slider ticks for each
district\n+ Fixed: now loads deviation percentage (old save files
broken)\n+ Added: +- increments for the slider\n+ Fixed: If you create
map styles from district names, the box now unchecks automatically\n+
Fixed: If district is locked, you now cannot add anything to the
district (used to only be able to not remove from the district)\n+
Fixed: Crash on plugin exit\n+ Added: Undo feature\n+ Added: Preview
selection/population feature\n - 1.1 - fixed bug with file loading,
added geography selector tool\n 1.0 - first stable release








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Large membership

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Large membership

Large membership