Version: [772] QGISConefor 2.0.3

2.0.3 (2024-11-11)
- (fixed) Internal plugin directory renamed to have the same name as
the plugin package

2.0.2 (2024-11-11)
- (fixed) Renamed license file to `LICENSE` and included it in the
generated zip for publishing in main QGIS plugins portal

2.0.1 (2024-11-11)
- (fixed) Dropped the 'experimental' flag

2.0.0 (2024-11-11)
- (added) First public release in 9 years!
- (added) Update plugin to QGIS v3.x
- (added) Use native QGIS features like background tasks, main message
bar, processing algorithms, etc.

2.0.0-rc9 (2024-11-06)
- (changed) Name of node file changed to not mention name of
autogenerated attribute (in order to make filename shorter)
- (fixed) Fixed plugin reload crashing QGIS due to erroneous removal
of menu entry

2.0.0-rc8 (2024-10-26 [YANKED])
- (fixed) Fixed error due to unused Processing input parameter having
been removed, but still called

2.0.0-rc7 (2024-10-17 [YANKED])
- (changed) Improved user guide
- (removed) Removed distance_threshold processing parameter - it was
not used in the main plugin dialog

2.0.0-rc6 (2024-10-16 [YANKED])
- (fixed) Node and connections files are named after their original
layer again

2.0.0-rc5 (2024-10-11 [YANKED])
- (added) Generate a new layer whenever node id or node attribute are
not set with autogenerated values for these
- (changed) Adjusted size of columns in the custom dialog so that the
last one is not bigger than the rest
- (changed) Renamed distance files from
'connections_[edge|centroid]-distance_*' to the simpler
- (changed) Simplified UI labels
- (removed) Removed demo processing algorithms that interface with
Conefor standalone
- (removed) Removed option for creating an output vector layer with
the distances from the main plugin dialog
- (fixed) Progress display now takes into account the total number of
lines to be written
- (fixed) Will now re-analyze layers whenever their attribute table

2.0.0-rc4 (2024-07-28)
- (added) Add support for generating the 'nodes to add' column when
preparing conefor input node files
- (added) Add validation of node-related attributes when using the
processing algorithm that prepares conefor inputs
- (added) Add button for opening output dir upon successful
- (changed) Start autogenerated node ids from one rather than zero
- (fixed) Disable plugin main dialog by default
- (fixed) Fix main dialog always using default values for layers
- (fixed) Fix 'lock attributes to first layer' button not working
- (fixed) Fix node connection method always being set to 'edge
distance' when running
- (fixed) Prevent using a float attribute as the node identifier
- (removed) Drop support for point layers in the main plugin dialog

2.0.0-rc3 (2024-07-17)
- (changed) Fixed docs update when a new release is tagged

2.0.0-rc2 (2024-07-17)
- (changed) Update docs

2.0.0-rc1 (2024-07-17)
- (added) Added Changelog
- (added) Manage dev workflows with pluginadmin
- (added) Generation of Conefor inputs can be cancelled by the user
- (changed) Ported code to Python3 and QGIS v3
- (changed) Moved to src layout
- (changed) Converted README to markdown
- (changed) Move business logic outside of plugin dialog
- (changed) Measure areas using QGIS project's ellipsoid
- (changed) Use Processing algorithm also for powering dialog-based
- (changed) Use QgsTask and QgsTaskManager instead of QThreads with
- (changed) Use QgsDistanceArea for area and distance calculations
- (changed) Use QgsMessageBar for communication instead of a custom

1.2.1 (2015-06-13)
- (changed) Fixed bugs

1.2 (2015-06-10)
- (changed) Adapted code to run with QGIS v2.8
- (changed) Adapted code to cope with Processing API changes
- (added) First stable release








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