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QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Plugins tagged with: sdi

3 records found —  Click to toggle descriptions.
  Name Featured Downloads Author Latest Plugin Version Created on Stars (votes) Stable Exp.
Plugin icon DSG Tools 128017 Brazilian Army Geographic Service 2024-06-20T13:02:54.433153+00:00 2015-03-25T05:37:06.168730+00:00
Plugin icon GeoCat Bridge 31668 GeoCat BV 2024-03-21T13:08:31.544296+00:00 2019-10-24T14:07:26.061671+00:00
Plugin icon IDG 2367 Benjamin CHARTIER, Jean-Baptiste DESBAS 2024-01-12T16:43:28.264673+00:00 2023-07-18T12:29:11.319580+00:00
Deprecated plugins are printed in red.

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